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Auction shirts are delivery

After ten days, the auction of team shirts using the Cup tie has been closed. There is no doubt that the auction has been a huge success and the most important, the money raised 1,045,50€ will go to Projecte Home Balears as another initiative form the Reial Mallorca Foundation. These are unique special shirts with the Project Home logo.

Using the Ebay web, the auction has been conducted and we have found the lucky auctioners. The Club has contacted all of them and today the first Mallorca fan has come to reclaim her shirt. It is Catalina Cirer who player Damia Sabater has signed his shirt for her, alongside a few words.

At the act has been present Projecte Home Balears chairman Tomeu Catala and Reial Mallorca Director Aurora Sampol.

The winners of the auction will come this week to pick up their shirts with a special message from the player they have auctioned for. For those who live away from the island, the shirts have already been sent.